Consulting Statistics and Stats

consulting statistics 2023-2022
January 17, 2023

Business Consulting Stats Consulting Statistics 2023-2024 Consulting will reach $1320.94 billion by 2026. Management consulting demand is 40% in the US. McKinsey, Bain, and BCG make approximately $20 billion. PwC, Deloitte, EY, and KPMG comprise 40% of consulting. Management consulting generates 50% of consulting revenue. 700,000 consulting businesses in operation around the world. In 2022, 80% of consultancies gave discounts. 30% of consultants are women. Consulting rates average $200 per hour….


Link Building and Backlink Statistics and Trends 2016

September 20, 2016

Link Building and Backlink Statistics SEO has a lot of its roots in the technique of targeted link building. Link building was the first thing that professional SEO companies focused on It’s not the only core component involved anymore, but it’s still an important and very valuable factor when rank boosting is concerned. The new Google update hasn’t changed things. Many people who fancy themselves SEO experts have said that…


9 SEO Statistics That Seem Wrong

July 14, 2016

January of 2016 Google in owned about 69.4 percent of search share in the United States. Compare that to 63.9% in January of 2015 that is an increase of 5.6%. Watch out Bing. The last crawl of the Mozscape API Update scoured over 193,000,000 urls. Amazing..I wonder how many are PBN’s or just for “SEO statistics“. 6,000,000,000 (6 billion) subdomains. 187,000,000 (187 million) root domains. 1,100,000,000,000 (1.100 Trillion)…